viernes, 4 de julio de 2008

Informe sobre el racismo en las gradas de la Eurocopa

Examples of FARE monitoring
Semi-final Spain-Russia

In the Spanish fan sector several Spanish fascist flags common in the era of General Franco era were shown. One of these flags was on display in the first row.
Quarter-final Spain-Italy
In the Spanish sector fans displayed a 10 meter banner featuring three ‘sun’ or Celtic crosses replacing the letter O. The Celtic cross is often used by neo-nazis to symbolise the Aryan race. Outside the stadium a group of Real Madrid’s Ultras Sur fan group were seen performing the ‘Hitler salute’.
Quarter-final Netherlands-Russia
FARE monitors spotted a Russian banner with two Celtic crosses which is a widespread ‘White Power’ symbol. The
banner was removed by a UEFA official after half-time.
Quarter-final Croatia-Turkey
FARE monitors witnessed a range of fascist and neo-Nazi acts and symbols in the Croatian sector at this game. These included a display of two flags symbolising the rule of the Ustase regime in Croatia during the Nazi era, responsible for mass killings of Serbs, Jews and Roma.
During the national anthem hundreds of Croats raised their right arm for the Nazi-salute.
Italy –Romania
During the Italian national anthem dozens of Italian supporters erected their right arms for the fascist salute.
In the UEFA fan zone in Vienna a small group of Austrians chanted “Scheiss Polaken” (Shit Polacks). Later on the racist slur “Zick-Zack-Zigeunerpack” (Zic, Zac Gypsy scum) was also directed towards the Poles.

In the first row of the German sector behind the goal a group of some 15 German neo-Nazis were spotted in Thor
Steinar brand clothing. The Thor Steinar brand has in previous years used a symbol made out of a wolfsrod and a
Tyr-rune. The symbol has been forbidden in several German states.

After the victory of Turkey members of far-right groups across Switzerland sought to provoke Turkish supporters. The square outside Bern railway station was cordoned off until after midnight amid fears of outbreaks of rightwing violence. In the shopping arcade inside Zurich railway station right-wing skinheads shouted racist abuse just before 1am.
Whenever Italian striker Luca Toni got the ball the vast majority of the Dutch fan sector in Berne joined the homophobic song “Luca Toni et en Homo” using the White Stripes tune seven nation army.
After this match German far-right fans marched through the streets of Klagenfurt and provoked Poles with xenophobic and anti-Semitic slogans recalling the Nazi period. They shouted “All Poles must wear a yellow star” and “Germans defend yourselves! Don’t buy from Poles!”
FARE monitors also observed Polish neo-Nazis wearing scarfs with Celtic crosses and slogans such as “Poland for Poles, Europe for white people”. Scarf with Celtic crosses and slogan “Poland German Neo-Nazi in Fanzone Polish far-right with White Power Scarfs for the Poles, Europe for white people” with 88 shirt in (Code for HH, Heil Hitler)

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